2020-06-20 北京之声(燕子吟)
北京之声——“中英文”空中诗歌朗诵晚会VoiceofBeijing-"Chinese and English" Air Poetry Reading Evening
晚会简介Introduction to the party:
地点Location:北京之声朗诵艺术协会Beijing Voice Recitation Art Association
策划Planning 组织Organization 编辑Edit制作Making:燕子吟Swallows sing
燕子吟 Swallows sing
录音制作Recording production:范全Fan Quan 燕子吟Swallows sing
图片上传Image upload:樱花Cherry blossom
林洋副主席致开幕词Vice President jeni delivered an opening speech:
晚会开始The party started:
英文点评嘉宾English review guests:给力Awesome
朱建伟副主席致闭幕词Vice Chairman Zhu Jianwei delivered a closing speech
朗诵者及作品Rectors and works:
1.张少华Zhang Shaohua《没有谁是一座孤岛/No Man Is An Island》作者/Author:约翰·多恩/John Donn
2.涵嫣Hanyan《见或者不见/See or not see》作者/Author:仓央嘉措/Tsangyang Gyatso
3.妥妥No problem《请再说一遍你爱我\Say Over Again, And Yet Once Over Again》作者/Author:伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·布朗宁著 Written by Elizabeth
Barrett Browning
4.朴实无华Plain《窗 外 的 夏 天/Summer Outside the Window》 作者/Author:顾 城 \Gu Cheng
5.给力Awesome《Awesome友谊地久天长And days of auld lang syne》作者/Author:苏格兰民歌/Scotland folk song
6.兰姆胡杨Ram Populus euphratica 林子Thewoods《深刻的地方,你还要我什么/What else do you want from me》作者Author:沙 克 /Shaq
8.五米Five meters《订婚/Engagement》
作者/Author:杰克·吉尔伯特/Jack Gilbert
9.高山雪莲Saussurea involucrata《我是怎样地爱你/ How do I love thee? 》 作者/Author:勃朗宁夫人/ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning》
10.子姩Zi Ji《面朝大海春暖花开/Facing the Sea With Spring Blossoms》作者/Author:海子/Haizi
11.葛红梅Gehongmei《一棵开花的树/A Blooming Tree》作者/Author:席慕容/Xi Murong
12.兰兰Lan Lan《当你老了/When you are old》作者/Author:威廉·巴特勒·叶芝/William Butler Yeats
13.东方east《梦想/Dreams》作者/Author:兰斯顿·休斯/Langston Hughes
14.金天Jin Tian《那一晚/That Night By Phyllis Lin》作者/Author:林徽因/Lin Huiyin
15.浩瀚大海Vast sea《相信你自己/Believe in yourself》
16.天寅Tianyin麦芽糖iMaltose《我们都是战士 /We Are All Fighters》作者/Author:杰西卡利乌/JessicaLiu》
[此贴子已经被作者于2020/7/9 9:43:22编辑过]